Specify the external goal. Also, specify metrics for measuring the results.
External Goal: Managers and employees will develop professionally from the feedback they receive. They will not suffer from defensiveness and damage to their self-image.
Metrics: Self reports and interviews.
Analyze the performance system. Identify the performance gap and establish that training is the appropriate intervention. Identify supporting HPT interventions.
The top management recently decided to bring about a culture of trust and open communication.
Ideal situation: Managers and employees will develop professionally from the feedback they received.
Actual situation: Resistance, holding grudges, defensiveness, damage to self- image, and mindless acceptance.
Justification for training: People lack evidence-based techniques for flourishing from all types of feedback.
Specify the context. Identify resources, constraints, schedules, number of participants and other administrative details related to training.
Resources: 17 Books (including Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, Thanks for the Feedback). Articles from Harvard Business Review.
Constraint: Has to an instructor-led training session.
Duration: Half day (3 to 4 hours)
Participants: A total of 325 employees, in groups of 20 to 30.
Identify a module. Select a self-contained part of the training package.
Different Types of Feedback: How Should We Deal with them?
Construct a test. Develop authentic test items for measuring the achievement of the module objectives.
We created a large number of authentic dialogues portraying different types of feedback in corporate settings. In the test, participants were required to identify the type of feedback, suggest appropriate method of processing and benefitting from the feedback, and justify their suggestions. The dialogues can be presented in text, audio, or video formats.
Retrieve. Collect existing content and usable activity templates.
Content: We will synthesize a classification system for different types of feedback from different sources. We will co-create the scenarios with representative employees.
Activities: Classification card games for fluently identifying different types of feedback embedded in different dialogues. Roleplay-based training activities including Gut Talk, Inner Voice, and Repeated Roleplay.
Also a series of jolts that involved becoming aware of the different between how we give feedback and prefer to receive feedback.
Align activities with content. Design activities that require and reward interacting with the content.
We prepared a checklist for processing different types of feedback and used it for briefing and debriefing the participants’ roleplays.
Align three key components. Ensure that activities, content, and test items are aligned with each other.
We drew different sets of dialogue cards from the same pool and used them in the initial demonstration, card game, roleplays, and final performance test.
Identify and list other modules. Make sure you have listed all necessary and sufficient modules for achieving the performance goal.
We identified three other Modules
- How and Why We Resist Feedback
- Having an Assertive Feedback Conversation
- Learning from Feedback
Repeat, repeat. Repeat the module design steps as needed.
We repeated the same design procedure with three other modules.
Integrate. Collect all modules into a training package.
We collected all modules and assembled a set of slides. Also purchased copies of a book and duplicated checklists and articles. Prepared a concise Facilitators’ Guide.
Deliver mindfully. Deliver, evaluate, revise, and repeat.
We delivered the workshop to a representative group that included future facilitators. We tweaked the activities and materials based on the responses and reactions of the group.
Let go. Train other people to deliver the training. Revise on the basis of their feedback.
We asked a facilitator to conduct another workshop session, using the Facilitator’s Guide. We made a few minor tweaks based on what happened during the session and also the facilitator’s suggestions.
Design supporting interventions. Remove obstacles and add reinforcement.
We designed a companion workshop on How To Give Feedback. We required all participants to take both workshops.
Keep on Improving. Continue updating and upgrading the training package (until you die).
We continue scanning research reports, books, and online resources to update and upgrade the workshops. We also incorporate participant-generated dialogues to our collection of scenarios.