Module I:
ABCD: An Experiential Introduction to RRID

(Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT)

Experience an interactive lecture game (called Mixed-Up Sentences) and reuse the activity to teach your own topics. Learnimportant principles of RRID.

What's Behind the Four Doors?

The library contains a variety of content resources (text, audio, images, and video) with useful information related to the training objective of this module. The resources are divided into required and optional categories.

What's in the Library?

Screenshow: Webinar Recording. Slide Set: Slides from the Webinar. Facilitator Guide: Mixed-Up Sentences. Sampler: Sample Mixed-Up Sentences. Facilitator Guide: Say it in Sequence. Article: How we Design Instruction. Article: Content Is Abundant.

The playground contains fast-paced online games that test your mastery of content presented in the library. The games present closed question and provide with feedback on your performance.

What’s in the Playground?

Billionaire Game: ABCD. Moon Shot Game: More About ABCD.


The café contains a set of open-ended questions for discussion with your fellow-participants. This ares offers you feedback through expert responses, peer responses, and rating scales.

What’s in the Café?

Four open-ended discussion questions: Objections from Subject-Matter Experts. Objections from Your Participants. Content Resources on Diversity. Audio-Only Application.

The assessment area contains one or more performance tests to assess your mastery of the module objective. It specifies what to review, what to produce, and where to submit your deliverables.

What’s in the Assessment Center?

Rapid Design Assignment 1: Reuse an Interactive Lecture Frame

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