Module IV Deliverables

Assessment I: Bob

One of the most critical and important aspects of delivering effective feedback is to know WHEN to deliver feedback and to determine ON WHAT topic. This assessment evaluates your ability to truly uncover the root problem and decide what to do given a particular situation. HINT: The answer is not obvious. Their are traps in this scenario and you will have to truly understand Bob. We would recommend reviewing the Meet Bob video, of course, but also the video where Bob gets coached in this module's CAFÉ, and the video introducing Vijay from modules I and II.

Here is the scenario...

Bob is using improper code-naming conventions and Petra and Paul (two peers of Bob) have to spend hours doing re-work. You obviously need to have a conversation with him. But wait! There's more... Bob keeps switching tasks. He has an incorrect understanding of his priorities – at least we are going to assume he does (otherwise, he is doing it intentionally). He is leaving high priority tasks incomplete. 



  1. Study the scenario above. 
  2. Watch the videos above.
  3. Based on the following scenario (we have discussed this situation before in Module I), deliver feedback to Bob following the Feedback Process.


  1. Complete? Make sure your feedback covers the pertinent issue(s). Make sure you use all four steps of the Feedback Process.
  2. Concise? Avoid unnecessary details and verbiage.
  3. Aligned? Make sure your feedback solves a problem and is not noise.


Send a video or audio delivering your feedback to


Matthew will send you feedback. Fix any issues he shared with you and resubmit.


  1. Over the next week, deliver feedback to at least one person using the Feedback process. Send me an email describing what happened and how it went.
  2. And finally, using the Feedback process, send me some actual feedback about this course.
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