The Final Mission Overview
This Final Mission steps away from TLA, Inc and its family of characters. Now the mission is for you to apply what you have practiced and learned to your real-life job. While we are calling this the Final Mission, it is really the performance test for the program. Complete this satisfactorily, and you pass the course.
So, what do it mean by "pass the course?"
Well, you will have done the following:
Identified a real-life coaching challenge you have on your real job.
Demonstrated a thorough preparation for the conversation you will have with the real-life employee.
Had the real-life conversation and evaluated it as successful in one of the three ways described below.
Described your follow-up strategy clearly and had it approved by the real-life employee and the facilitator of this course.
Appropriately utilized the Coaching Process, Feedback Process, Goal Setting Process, Motivation Model, and SPARK.
Read the three options below. Pick the one that best suits your situation and deliver the tasks within the chosen option.
If you have any questions, contact Matt at or 415-385-7248.
Final Mission Option One
This option is the most ideal and also the most likely to not work for you. Your employees or your HR group will most likely not approve. This is ok, but we had to take a shot. If this doesn't work, no problem... move to Options two or three.
Identify a real-life coaching situation you have on your job. Post a video response explaining the situation. In the same video walk us through your four PREPARE questions and answers.
Ask the real-life employee for permission to coach him/her as part of your coaching program. Feel free to dialogue with Matt about the best way to do this if you feel uncomfortable. Make sure your HR department is ok with this. Ask your employee if he/she minds if you video the session and upload it to the course. Explain to the employee how it works. Assuming you get approval and HR also approves, video the session and upload to your feed.
Send a video response that describes the follow-up you have planned.
Send a final video response that explains how you integrated the tools of the program during this Final Mission.
Final Mission Option Two
This option requires you have the support and participation of your own manager. If not, don't worry about it. Move to Option Three.
Identify a real-life coaching situation you have on your job. Post a video response explaining the situation. In the same video walk us through your four PREPARE questions.
Ask your manager to audit your coaching session. Ask your employee for permission to have your manager audit the session. Explain to the employee that you are taking a course and your manager is evaluating you and not them. (NOTE: Pick an employee and a situation where the employee will not be undermined, embarrassed, or get in trouble with your manager.)
Once permission is had, provide your manager with the Coaching Worksheet. Have him/her observe the session and audit your performance against the sheet. Afterwords, ask your manager to provide you with his/her feedback. Then you submit a video response summarizing that feedback.
Send a video response that describes the follow-up you have planned.
Send a final video response that explains how you integrated the tools of the program during this Final Mission.
Final Mission Option Three
Use this option if the first two are not viable or if you happen to not have any employees working for you right now.
Identify a real-life coaching situation you have on your job. Post a video response explaining the situation. In the same video walk us through your four PREPARE questions and answers.
Set up a SKYPE session with Matt. Use the content information above to reach out to him. Matt will role play with you and provide you with instant feedback.
Submit a video response summary describing your experience and lessons learned from your SKYPE session.
Send a video response that describes the follow-up you have planned.
Send a final video response that explains how you integrated the tools of the program during this Final Mission.