Goals, Objectives, and Tests (Boring Stuff)


By experiencing this elearning module that uses the 4-Door Approach to explore principles and procedures behind the 4-Door Approach, you will be able to—

  1. Demonstrate your mastery of the specific objectives (listed below) by responding fluently and correctly to closed questions and personally and logically to open questions.
  2. Application Goal: Apply the 4-Door Approach to the design of your own elearning lesson.

Specific Objectives

  • Choose a personalized path through an elearning module that uses the 4-Door Approach and rapidly navigate through this path.
  • Identify the characteristics, functions, and benefits of the four different areas of a typical elearning module that uses the 4-Door Approach.
  • Describe how a participant works through a typical elearning module that uses the 4-Door Approach.
  • Identify major differences between traditional elearning and the 4-Door Approach.
  • Describe the advantages and limitations of the 4-Door Approach from the learner's point of view.
  • Explain how the choices given to the learner in the 4-Door Approach increase the instructional and motivational effectiveness of the elearning module.
  • Describe how different types of web-based games are incorporated in the 4-Door Approach.
  • Identify two types of activities in the cafe and explain how they relate to—and differ from—the activities in the playground.
  • Explain what is included in the assessment center and how the learners interact with it.


The performance test in the assessment area requires you to prepare a blueprint for your own elearning lesson. This performance test evaluates your achievement of the application goal.

We stealthily measure your mastery of the first goal by having you play web games (to measure your ability to provide correct answers to closed questions) and having you respond to open questions in the cafe.

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