Outline for a Sample 4-Door™ Course

Title of the Course

The 4-Door Approach to Elearning Design

Training Goals

To recall, discuss, and apply different aspects of the 4-door approach to elearning design.

To create an outline for your own elearning course that uses the 4-door approach.


Instructional designers working on an elearning project.


Video: Video Introduction by Thiagi. Presents an overview of the course.

Article: Goals, Objectives, and Tests. Background information on what you will learn and how you will be tested.

Article: The 4-Door Approach to Elearning. This basic article contains all of the information about an intriguing and innovative approach to elearning design and delivery.

Outline: Outline for a Sample 4-Door Course: An outline for this course.

Outline: Outline for Another 4-Door Course: An outline for a course for nurses on preventing surgical errors.


Web Game: 4-Door Review (CATEGORIZE). A web game that tests your mastery of the four-door approach.

Web Game: Cafe or Playground? (CATEGORIZE). Can you differentiate between two types of questions used in the interactive exercises?

Web Game: Ted Completes this Course (SEQUENCE) Here are seven of the (many) steps that Ted went through to complete this course. Can you put them in the right order?

Web Game: 4-Door Approach Table (SPLATTER). You see a table showing three of the four areas and facts about those areas. Can you find the mistakes in the table?


Major Differences (OQ). What is the main difference between this course and traditional elearning courses?

First Area (OQ). Where should you begin designing your elearning lesson?

What Do You Think of the 4D Approach? (Forum). Share your comments and concerns.

Assessment Center

Outline for Your eLearning Lesson (Performance Test). Prepare a blueprint for your own eLearning lesson that uses the 4D approach.

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