Prepare and distribute agenda with attached responsibilities and proposed time limits
Determine what information you will need to get and give during the meeting and what, if any, information you will need after the meeting in order to make a decision
During the Meeting
Start the meeting at the stated time
Describe meeting purpose in one sentence
Frame participants’ outc omes
State and restate the issue or problem until everyone agrees with what the problem is
Define participants’ and own commitments
Encourage dissent
Withhold evaluation and judgment
Develop commitment from group members at every possible point
Transfer own commitments to “to do” list immediately
Review meeting notes and decide on actions
Follow-up with participants
Evaluate meeting process with facilitator
Checklist for the Meeting Facilitator
Schedule the time, place, reserve equipment
Contact the meeting participants with the meeting logistics
Confirm participation of resources with assignments
Prepare agenda and forward to participants and meeting scribe
Check equipment and arrange room adequately
Meet with meeting chair to confirm agenda and desired outcomes
During the Meeting
Start the meeting at the state d time
Introduce self and any new members or guests
Describe purpose of meeting (desired outcomes) to participants
Outline meeting agenda
Review minutes of last meeting
Distribute materials
Facilitate the communication and meeting process
“Stack” participants who wish to speak simultaneously by giving each a number (“First will be Manny, then Ellen, then Bob”)
Re-state important points
Confirm assignments
Conduct meeting evaluation
Facilitate planning date of next meeting
Express appreciation for group participation
Checklist for the Scribe
Transcribe the minutes and materials from the previous meeting
Forward minutes and materials to facilitator and chair
Prepare and distribute agenda with attached responsibilities and proposed time limits
During the Meeting
Note attendance
Record team discussion p oints, ideally in exact words
If must paraphrase, check with speaker to confirm accuracy
Note starting and end time
Ask for clarification
Record decision points and individual commitments
Categorize materials and transcribe notes and minutes
Meeting minutes need to include:
Meeting title, date, place
Attendees: name, organization, phones, email
Executive summary that focuses on meeting results
Topics discussed
Summary of decisions reached with key reasons on why this particular decision was agreed to
List of action items with names of people committed and when due