Module I: Intro to Applied Improv Deliverables

Below are a series of deliverables. To maximize your learning from this course complete each of the items listed below. Let us know if you have any questions.

  • After experiencing the opening webinar and going through the materials in the LIBRARY, send Kat an email at describing:
    • How Improv can support the kind of work you do?
    • Why Improv won't work for you? And, how you plan to make it work despite that.
  • Review the six focal areas of Improv. In the same email to Kat, tell her which one is the most easy one for you to adopt as a principle in your work. Which one is the least comfortable or scariest to adapt?
  • (TRUST, LISTENING AND AWARENESS) Have a conversation with a colleague. Ask them to tell you about a recent experience that they found annoying or frustrating.
    • Listen without interrupting
    • Respond by saying:
      • “Here’s what I heard you say…” (Feed back the concrete information and facts of the scenario)
      • “Here’s what I hear you care about….” (Feed back what you intuit they value, what’s important to them, what motivates them.)
  • Journal about:
    • How if felt to listen like that?
    • How did TRUST affect the experience?
    • How did your partner respond?
    • How did the interaction seem to affect the relationship?
  • (SPONTANEITY) You can listen to interior voices too... Everyone has a judge living up in their head. What does yours sound like? Can you imagine their face? Name your judge: Kat's is “old Prunella.” Describe the character - Draw a picture, write a description, or act out the character on a video and send it to us at

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