Current Platform Options

There are a myriad of different platforms you can use to build 4Door™ courses. While Thiagi and Matt are currently using SquareSpace for our own courses, we have used several others as we design and develop for our clients. For example, we recently built an Interviewing Skills program on an LMS called Cross Knowledge. Each platform has its own benefits and limitations. You will have to identify them as you work with them. The biggest problem you will face is the platforms keep changing-- sometimes becoming better, other times becoming worse for our format. 

Budget is important. Tools like Moodle can be downloaded and used for free. Or, you can pay Moodle consultants to outline and design Moodle the way you want. Tools like Articulate and Cross Knowledge have learning curves and cost quite a bit. But, if you are in a large company, they plug in nicely. Articulate will work with your LMS. Cross Knowledge is an LMS with eLearning design capabilities. Often, your company will have a tool and you will be forced to use it. Generally speaking, we have found we can work with anything... it is simply a matter of being creative. You are always welcome to give us a call to brainstorm.

Some key questions you should always ask yourself include:

  1. Does the platform allow me to break the course into modules?
  2. Does the platform allow me to break a module into four doors and then have resources under each one?
  3. Can I embed video and other multi-media?
  4. Can participants contribute their own ideas, perspectives, and thoughts in the Cafe?
  5. Can I embed games from thirds-parties?
  6. Can I edit the material, or do I need another technical person to help me?
  7. How is the user interface? Will participants find it intuitive given the 4Door™ is probably a new format for them?

Below is a list of platforms we have used when building 4Door Courses. This list is not comprehensive. And, so far, we have found ways to adapt the 4Door™ anywhere asked. Do note that many of these platforms have since been upgraded and you should check them out on your own.

  • SquareSpace
  • ReadyGo
  • CrossKnowledge
  • Sharepoint
  • Moodle
  • Ning
  • Lectora
  • Articulate (Rise and Storyline)
  • And more.

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