
Rapid Design Assignment 4. Prepare a Module Design Outline

No more imagining the future. Time to get down to the real world.


Study these items in the library:

  • Content Sources and Activity Templates
  • 20 Types of training Activities
  • Sample Module Design Outlines


Prepare a Design Outline for one of your modules.

Include these items in your outline:

Title. What is the working title of your training module?

Entry Level. What skills and knowledge do the participants bring to the module? What have they learned in the previous modules?

Content. What different sources present the relevant content?

Activities. What are the different training activities used in the module?

Test. How are the participants’ mastery of the skills and knowledge measured?

Activity + Content. How are these two elements of the training module aligned with each other?

Activity + Content + Test. How is every element of the module connected to everything else?


Send your outline in an email to Put Rapid Design Assignment 4 as the subject line.


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