Construct the Performance Test

  1. The best way to test the mastery of your module objectives is to ask the participants to create a product and let the real world evaluate it. Example: For a course on freelance writing, the participants pass if they get articles published in magazines (and get paid).
  2. Use a simulated situation in your module test. Require participants to process an authentic case or a scenario and make real-world decisions. Avoid using contrived scenarios and cases that result in a single correct answer. Use wicked problems that lend themselves to alternative acceptable answers.
  3. Ask the students to produce reports, memos, tables, and decisions as a part of the performance test.
  4. If forced to test mastery and recall of facts and principles, use open-ended essay type questions whenever possible. Use multiple-choice and matching questions only as a last resort and only if they reflect what happens in the real-world context.
  5. Remember, we are talking about the performance test at the end of the module. During the earlier instructional activities, you may use traditional types of test items such as multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blanks.
  6. The performance test establishes a benchmark for your module. Use this test in lieu of specifying the training objectives for the module.
  7. Construct the test. Write the instructions for completing the test. Try it out and revise.
  8. Prepare a scoring key or rubric. Make sure that the test and the scoring key are aligned to each other. Make adjustments to ensure tight alignment.
  9. Remember the current version of your performance test is just a draft. As you work on the other “doors” (library, playground, and café), you may want to modify the test. 
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