Module VI Webinar Recordings
Module 5 Slide Set
Module 5. Changing Roles Booklet
This booklet contains seven articles related to changing the roles of participants and trainers:
- Co-design: Learners as Trainers
- Learning By Design
- Participants Generate Content
- Participants Generate Questions
- Activities that Incorporate Participant Questions
- Untraining the Trainer
- Instructional Facilitation
Sample Assignment Responses
How I Plan to Exploit my Participants
- I will divide the group into two subgroups. I will teach some key principles to one subgroups while my co-facilitator teaches another principle to the second subgroup. Later, we will ask the participants from the two subgroups to pair up and share what they learned.
- Anytime I teach an interpersonal skill, I will ask a random participant to roleplay with me. From time to time I will pause the roleplay and ask the other participants to yell out coaching suggestions. I will continue with the roleplay.
- I will have the team assign one of its members to the hot seat. The other team members will refer to their books, handouts, and notes and ask questions on the training topic and declare whether the test-taker’s answer was correct. Different team members will take turns to sit on the hot seat.
- In my customer service class, I will have team members share stories related to outstanding customer services they received in the past. Later, I will ask the team members to extract a list of key customer service principles from these stories.
- After a lecture, I will ask each participant to write three questions on the topic. I will collect these questions and conduct a quiz contest with the entire group.
- I will collect all responses to an assignment from the participants. I will display these responses as samples for reference by the next batch of participants.
- I will create two or three sample questions on the training topic for use in a Trivial Pursuit game. I will ask teams of participant to write more questions on the same topic for use in the game.
- A month after my workshop, I will conduct in-depth telephone interviews with the participants. I will find out which topics were useful in the workplace and which ones should be eliminated.
- I will ask teams of participants to select one of the skills they learned and ask them to prepare a Pechakucha slide set about that skill.
- At the end of the session, I will ask each participant to come up with one idea for immediate use in the workplace. I will ask the participants to post the ideas on a web page for review by the others.
- I will ask each participant to write a short letter on how best to benefit from the training session. I will give each letter to a participant who signed up for the next training session.
- I will assign topics to participant teams and give each team an annotated list of references and resources. Each team will survey the literature and make a presentation to the members of the other teams.
- In a multiple-session class, I will ask the participants to share one important learning point with those who missed any of the sessions.
- I will administer a paper-and-pencil test. I will ask the participants to exchange their completed tests. I will give a scoring key to all participants and ask them to score the test and give it back to the appropriate participant.
I Am a Facilitator
How would you explain to the participants that you are a facilitator and not a lecturer?
Type your answer in the COMMENTS area blow.
Review someone’s answer and comment on it.
Dialogue in a Workshop
John is one of the participants in your Customer Service Training workshop.
You: John, what do you think we should do to delight our customers?
John: I don’t know. You are the expert. You should tell us.
How would you respond to John in this situation?
Type your answer in the COMMENTS area below.
Review someone’s answer and comment on it.
Participant's Reaction
You ask the participants in your workshop to help you come up with realistic scenarios from their workplace that is related to the training topic.
If you are one of the participants, how would you react to this invitation?
Type your answer in the COMMENTS area below.
Review someone’s answer and comment on it.
Adding Members to Your Team
How do you think your boss will react if you tell him or her that you want to add two or three typical participants to your instructional development team?
Type your answer in the COMMENTS area below.
Review someone’s answer and comment on it.
Rapid Design Assignment 5: Mobilize Your Participants
- The first five articles from the Changing Roles booklet.
- Sample Assignment Responses in the library
A list of three or more practical ideas for eliciting and integrating help from your participants in the design, delivery, and evaluation of your training package.
Send your list of ideas to Put Rapid Design Assignment 5 as the subject line.
Yes, But ...
This module offers three recommendations:
- Participants should be co-creators of the training package.
- Trainers should be facilitators.
- Evaluation should be embedded in all stages of instructional design.
Take any one of these recommendations and present a set of arguments against it. (If you are on a roll, you may argue against all of these recommendations.)
Feedback Please
This webinar series has come to an end.
- What is one thing that you liked the most about these webinars?
- What is one recommendation you have for improving this webinar series?