Module VII: Final Assessment

This is it. You have reached the end... except no course can truly ever end as you continue to use what you learned and practice applying it. Here is your final task...


Review the entire course. You have built out a single module. Now it is time to design a whole course. 


  • Review the entire process for designing a 4Door workshop.
  • Using the design templates in Modules One and Two, outline a completely new course you will need to create in the near future. 
  • Develop one module, creating the Library, Playground, Cafe, and Assessment Center. If the module contains too many items, feel free only to submit two for each door (if appropriate).


  1. Complete? Make sure you have identified all the items that go with each objective you have for each module.
  2. Concise? Avoid unnecessary details and verbiage.
  3. Aligned? Make sure each activity aligns to your assessments in the assessment center and matches to specific Library items.
  4. Appropriate? Make sure you have made the best choices to support the participant completing the assessment in each module.


Send your deliverables as an email attachment to


Give your piece to as many others as possible. Invite them to ask you additional questions.

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