Presentation Instructions & Samples


As you know, a big part of your final deliverables is a team presentation conducted via video. Here are the instructions for the presentation.

  1. Review the Period 8 data.
  2. Review the reports.
  3. Prepare and create your presentation video of no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Upload your video to the Vimeo account described below.
  5. Each member of the team should take an active part in the presentation.
  6. Be creative. Use visuals.
  7. Engage Matt for coaching if you'd like.
  8. Your presentation should include the following:
    1. An overview of your plan.
    2. Using Indicators and Performance Metrics to show:
      1. The strengths and advantages of your strategy and Game Play.
      2. The weaknesses and mistakes in your execution.
    3. Any tools you used or created to track information, forecast results, and make decisions.
    4. Major learnings and outcomes for each person on the team.
    5. Answers to the following questions regarding the IT Acquisition Case:
      1. Why did Mike Miller separate the Capital items from the Expense items from Module 8?
      2. On page 7 of the PDF, Mike added taxes +  $311,359. He then subtracted $ 332,500. Why so?
      3. Explain the significance of IRR on page 7.
      4. If you were on the BOD, what would be your reaction to the acquisition case?
  9. Once the videos are all submitted, view the other teams' presentations and prepare 2-3 questions for them during the final session.


The simplest and best way to create this videos is to use your phone or tablet as a camera. Be sure to test volume on the audio, though. It is important we can hear you. We have posted a couple of samples from other groups below.

We use VIMEO as the conduit to host the videos. Edit or piece your videos together any way you want and upload to Vimeo. Again, Matt is available to help. And, he will even help you piece the parts of the video together if shot separately. We have set up a specific Harris Vimeo account.

Your username is:

Your password to Vimeo is: App135fa11

Using Vimeo Via iPhone

Using Vimeo on a Desktop

All three team videos will go to the same Vimeo account. Matt will link them to this site when they are ready and inform you. To the left is a video showing you how to upload a video to Vimeo using an iPhone and one using a Desktop. iPads, Android devices, and Microsoft devices all work almost the same way.

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