Module I Deliverables

Complete the following deliverables before the next webinar session.

  1. Think back on the last week. Email Matt five major actions or decisions you made as a manager and rate their effectiveness based on how likely they were to enable the affected team members to succeed at what they were doing.
    • Rate yourself a zero if your actions ruined the team members' lives.
    • Rate your self a five if your actions truly supported the team members' growth/ development/ success.
    • Rate any where else in between.
  2. Email Matt a draft document outlining how you should be measured (held accountable) as a manager within your company. Reference the MANAGEMENT OUTCOMES document in the Library and follow that format.
  3. In the same document list the roles and duties you focus on the majority of the time as a manager.
  4. As preparation for the Module II Webinar on Wednesday, September 15, 2016, watch the video below about Vijay.
  5. And, finally, identify one or two very specific challenges you face as a manager. Include those in your email to Matt.

Matt's email is


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