Mission Seven: Kay

Managing Across

Kay, from the localization side of things, wants you to allocate Vijay to her project for a week in order to help her meet a rushed deadline. She knows you will say “no” because of your own deadlines. So, rather than having the conversation with you directly, she went to Anand. Anand shot you a single sentence email saying to make it so. You had the brilliant (read sarcastically) idea to talk first with Kay. Here is here first response:

You will need to make a case to Anand to change his mind.

Task One

Analyze the situation. What are your considerations? What are the inherent risks of this scenario? You need to talk with Anand, but that is really only true if he were sane. Should you engage him? Upload your thoughts.

Task Two: Anand

You go to Anand. You perfectly frame the issue succinctly. But, here is his response to you.

You thought you did make a case. Now what do you do? What is your case. Upload your plan.

Task Three: Trust Kay?

You go back to Kay to see if a rational conversation can be had. You share your feelings, probably implying nicely that you have some trust issues with her. Ooops. 

Here's her response to you. 

Fix this and upload your next plan of attack...

Debrief Kay

  1. Upload a set of questions you have about how to handle this scenario... if you have any.

  2. Upload a set of answers to your questions, pretending you are a third party responding to a friend with the same issue.

  3. Upload your final analysis of the Kay situation and lesson learned.

Task Five: Final Debrief

Upload a response to the following:

  1. The Anand Mission and the Kay Mission both deal with scenarios that are not manager to report. Why do you think we included them in a coaching program?

  2. How is your approach to Kay and Anand similar and dissimilar to your approach to Vijay, Bob, and Mary?

  3. What tools would have been helpful for you, but you didn't have?

  4. Are their any tools in the Library you would like clarification on?

  5. Do you have any questions about the Final Mission? If so, what?

  6. What final questions do you have?

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