Mission Preparation Task: Content Review
Before we dive into the simulation and working with Vijay, Bob, et. al., let's take a little time to ensure understanding of PDF (the coaching process) and specifically the feedback part of that process.
Below is an audio file:
Please listen to it. It is a role play between two people. Matt, the manager and VJ, the employee. This VJ has no relationship to our Vijay. Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, Matt generally follows the DISCUSS part of PDF. Use the Coaching Process job aid and follow along. The Coaching Worksheet on the last pages of that job aid will be must useful. Matt has been using PDF for a while now, and he tends to use the process more organically. Evaluate him. See how well he covers each of the five parts of DISCUSS.
Now, using the Feedback process from the Library, give Matt one piece of positive feedback and then one piece of constructive feedback. Upload your first video response with your feedback.
Task One: What’s the Issue:
Now we dive into our actual simulation.
You are in the middle of a regular one-on-one with Vijay. Up until now, everything has been going well for him, so you thought. After a few minutes of small talk, here is his response.
Provide a video response that answers the following questions:
What is your initial reaction to Vijay's out-of-the-blue statement about his state of mind?
Pretend Vijay is in front of you. Respond to him. Provide just your immediate response.
What do you think is the problem? Why is this the problem? What else could the issue(s) be?
What two or three follow-up questions should you ask Vijay?
Task Two: Respond
After continuing your discussion and answering all of your questions, you ask Vijay if he is still feeling badly to his role. Here is his answer.
Your deliverables:
Provide a video response directed at Vijay. What would you say to him?
Take a step back. Let's regroup. You weren't expecting this level of negative feeling from him. Refer to the PREPARATION section of The Coaching Process Job Aid. Think about everything you know about Vijay and think about these last two engagements with him. Answer the four PREPARATION questions. You can send a video with your answers, or if you prefer, jot your answers down and send them to matthew@thiagi.com.