1. Communication
- Goals and objectives
- Conversations
- Listening
- Expectation
- Feedback
- Goal setting
- Manuals, reports, and memos
- Meetings
- Performance reviews
2. Incentives
- Rewards and recognition
- Salaries
- Performance alignment
- Positive and negative consequences
- Removal of unintended punishments
- Celebrations
3. Health
- Emotional health
- Physical health
- Substance abuse
4. Human Resources
- Coaching and counseling
- SMEs
- Collaboration
- Conflict management
- Diversity
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Utilizing talents and strengths
5. Tools and Technologies
- Computer hardware and software
- Furniture and equipment
- Physical Environment
- Tools
6. Policies and Procedures
- Policies
- Schedules
- Job redesign
- Work processes
- Workload
7. Training
- Job aids
- E-learning
- Opportunities for practice