Warehouse Consolidation Case

The Case

Click here to open and download the Warehouse Consolidation Case. Review the information and submit the answers to the questions along with your Module 8 Deliverables. 

After you finish Part I, Question I, Click here to open and download the Module 8 Excel Workbook. This workbook contains several spreadsheet examples used in this module and has the Warehouse Consolidation Case Parts I and II. These tools will give you feedback on what costs should not be included and which ones you can expense.

In Part III, when you modify the Excel spreadsheet, use an 8% WACC and you your after tax Net Present Value should be = $2,026,234 with an IRR = 13%.

The Answers

Don't watch these screen flows until your team has completed the case.

Click here for the spreadsheet referenced in the ANSWER SCREEN FLOWS below.

Please listen to the screen flows that describe the solution. If you still find it difficult to follow contact Tom and he will walk you through it.

Answer, Part One

Answer, Part Two

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