The Problem
Traditional Performance Analysis, when done fully and with complete due diligence, is great. It identifies all the gaps in knowledge, skill, ability, and attitude that affect task completion. There are several problems, however, with this wonderful and powerful approach.
- Managers focus on identifying one gap and fail to recognize that most performance problems are linked to other issues.
- Managers identify a single issue, or several, that happen to be true problems, however they are not the true cause of the situation at hand.
- Managers have a difficult time differentiating between the types of performance gaps and then utilize the wrong intervention.
- Managers fail to take a systems perspective and isolate both the problem and the solution from the rest of the task/ job/ team, etc.
- Managers don't have the time to look at individual performance problems unless they are catastrophic or at least very annoying. It takes time to do a thorough analysis, and circumstances can change by the time it is complete. Or, the manager misses other issues about the project. Performance Analysis is the first step in putting out fires. It is rarely fire prevention.
- To most managers, a performance gap only exists if they see it, or someone tells them about it. Without awareness of the problem, several problems can fester and become crises.
- Performance Analysis is no fun to do. It pits manager and employee against each other even if the discourse between the two implies a suggestive relationship.
- It undermines the positive psychology of team members to focus on how they are doing "things wrong."
- Traditionally performance analysis has looked at knowledge, skill, ability, and attitude gaps. While useful when looking at an individual’s growth, it is still very hard to identify in a vacuum. If it is a knowledge/ skill gap, the TRAINING BOX described on the next pages will solve the problem. If it is an ability problem, no amount of intervention other than job reallocation will fix it. If it is an attitudinal problem, the MOTIVATION Box will hopefully fix this.
The Alternative Perspective
Alternatively, managers can take the perspective that they should provide in the environment everything an employee needs to succeed. In other words, take a proactive set of steps to mitigate the risk that performance, behavior, or attitude will be less than desired. The bad news is that list of steps can be both infinite and individualized. The good news is that for most tasks, we can maximize the likelihood of success by using our Performance Intervention checklist containing the most used interventions.
The beauty of the Checklist is that it can be applied analytically as well as proactively. If and when performance is deficient, you can go through the list and identify what is missing. This process of elimination can be done from afar through observation or in partnership with the employee. Either way, the list can be used before the employee embarks on a task or project, during the regular check-ins with the employee to ensure nothing falls through the cracks, or afterwards, to identify what went wrong.
One question we get all the time is, “Where is Coaching?” on the list? Good question. Coaching is defined as the process managers use to enable employees to succeed through direct, one-on-one interactions. Coaching utilizes all four boxes as tools, resources, and guidelines.
Tips for Using the Checklist
- Simply make sure you have communicated every item in the COMMUNICATION Box to the employee. Ensure the employee truly understands each item.
- Make sure you have access to some or all of the items in the TRAINING Box. Prior to beginning the task, make sure you know the task is within the capability of the employee. If not, use the items in the TRAINING Box.
- Ensure that the employee buys into the purpose and value of the task and sees how it connects to the big picture.
- Not only is it important the employee have the knowledge and skill, but he must believe he/has the knowledge and skill. Otherwise motivation will be completely undermined.
- Don't micromanage. Enable the employee to have choices in how the work is completed. Depending on the employee's experience and determination, have frequent to infrequent check-ins (more with less experience, less with more experience).
- Never delegate a task without ensuring that the list of tools and resources listed in the TOOLS AND RESOURCES Box are present. If they are not there, frustration will ensue, as will, potentially, complete failure.
- If tools and resources are not available, engage the employee to brainstorm work-arounds that he accepts and owns.
- An open door policy is not just a saying. Be available to your team members, and over time, build up the confidence in them that you are indeed there to help enable them to succeed.
An Example
Let’s say I have a programmer who doesn’t to comply with some specific naming conventions we have for coding.
First, I should consider whether all the items in the COMMUNICATION Box are clear to the employee and we have a common understanding of them. Is the coding process known to the employee? Do we even have a set process for the employee to use? Are the principles and procedures within that process known and clear? Is there a set of guidelines for what good looks like? Are my expectations both known and clearly understood… and so on. You may notice that the word “clear” keeps popping up. The COMMUNICATION Box is really all about clarity. Does the information exist? Does it make sense? Does the employee understand it?
Let’s now say this programmer does have all the communication items checked off. We are good with that Box. Now, let’s move to the TRAINING Box. Are there job aids the employee can reference on how to name code properly? Is there training or one-on-one coaching we can provide to develop the naming skills? Are we taking the time to reflect and debrief how the programmer is progressing? If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, we need to make sure those resources are present. If the answer is “yes,” then are they being utilized? If not, use them.
Assuming the TRAINING pieces are in place and have been utilized, now we need to check through the MOTIVATION Box. Refer to the Motivation materials for a deeper understanding of why these items are in the MOTIVATION Box. Ask and evaluate whether the employee perceives that he can actually use the proper naming conventions. This is vital. Motivationally speaking, it is permission to play. If the answer is “no,” than go back to the TRAINING Box. Something is missing. Through your conversations with him, does the employee perceive the inherent value and purpose of the naming process? Does it make sense to him? Is the performance you want aligned to the rest of the processes and tasks the employee must do? If no to any of these questions, the programmer will lose any intrinsic motivation for doing the process the way you want. Facilitate discussions with him about why and what’s in it for him, the company, the team, etc. When delivered well (see our Feedback section) feedback provides evaluative information to the employee that enables ompetence to improve. Improved competence increases motivation as long as the task doesn’t become boring or tedious. Identify whether the extrinsic reinforcements (rewards, recognition, and compensation) are aligned with what you want. Often these extrinsic factors can undermine what you want by reinforcing alternative behaviors. Or, they can be so strong that the employee focuses on getting them (or avoiding them) to such a degree that the actual task and behaviors become secondary. Make sure these extrinsic factors are not so powerful that they derail your objectives.
Finally, validate you have in place all the tools and resources needed to properly name the code. Does the programmer have the right software? Does his computer have enough processing power? Etc.
A Quick Summary
Again, this tool is so useful when applied up front, before as task gets underway. However, it is equally useful as a way of figuring out what to fix when something goes wrong.