Setting Goals

Click here to open and download a PDF of the following Goal Formula.

There are two simple, but compelling sentences:

  1. By _____(insert date)_______, I will ________(insert outcome/ deliverable)__________.
  2. I will know I have successfully attained this goal because ________(insert metrics)________.

Good metrics contain the following:

  • The way in which we know a person has COMPLETED a task. This can include the date, which we have already called out in our goal formula.
  • The way in which we know a person has completed the task to a certain QUALITY standard. This can include any criteria that defines what “good” looks like.

Here are several examples that fit the formula: 

  1. By September 30, I will increase my sales revenue by 10% over last year. Half of that increase will be made up of new customers.
  2. By December 31, I will deliver code for the new product x containing no more than 2% bugs.
  3. I will conduct six training programs by the end of the year with at least a 4.5 satisfaction on the smiley sheets.
  4. I will average 90 dials a day over the next quarter with an average talk time of three hours.
  5. For the third quarter, I will complete all trouble tickets on our help desk within 24 hours with a less than 5% repeat call.
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